Amélie Onzon was born in France. She studied art and design in Paris and then moved to Eindhoven in the Netherlands to continue her studies. In 2011 she was randomly asked to be the lead actress of a French/Dutch short film and acting has been like oxygen to her ever since. She then started taking acting classes at the Mulholland Academy in Amsterdam as well as intensive Meisner workshops with Steven Ditmyer trained by Sandford Meisner himself. Amélie speaks both French and English fluently.
What inspired us to plan an interview with Amélie was something she said about how and why she had started writing and directing her own films – ‘ …I got tired of waiting on the couch for some one to call me and offer me an acting role… I decided that if I wanted to be an actress playing roles I like, I should just write and direct my own films…’
This interview was originally broadcasted on SALTO – Amsterdam
Made for the Amsterdam Writers Platform